Sero Hanta

Gender: Male


Language: English

Accent: American


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Line 1: I don't really feel like I can win this fight... *Attacking grunt*
Line 2: U-hhm-mm D-don't chya think you went overboard... Are you kidding?! Obviously not... my body is freezing!
Line 3: I figured you'd just try to blast your way through these things with your quirk! I'm Impressed!

Sero Hanta (瀬呂範太「せろはんた」), also known as the Taping Hero: Cellophane (テーピンヒーロー・セロファン), is a student in Class 1-A at U.A. High School, training to become a Pro Hero.

Role Cast!



Schnerder 1

Acester1642 0

Kris D 0